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Welcome to RPCV-NM!

Founded in 2013, the Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of Northern Michigan (RPCV-NM) seek to provide a community of shared experiences. We aim to connect RPCVs throughout our region and encourage community volunteerism and engagement.

We hope this newly launched website helps you connect with the Peace Corps community here in Northern Michigan. The Board wishes to make this website a useful tool for you to find others with PC backgrounds and work together to continue to serve towards our third goal of bringing our global experiences home.

Calendar of Events

Connect with the local Peace Corps community at these upcoming events! 

Become a Member

Join the Returned Peace Corps Volunteers of Northern Michigan to stay connected and support Peace Corps community initiatives! 

Join us with a free membership or become a paid member at only $15 per year. Membership fees help pay for the website, participation in events like the National Cherry Festival Parade, and even those snacks we have when we meet up in person, which we can hopefully return to soon!

Clicking the "Sign Up" link on the right will take you to NPCA's site where you can select the appropriate membership. If you are not already an NPCA member, you will need to join - free memberships are available. Thank you!

Looking for Peace Corps logo merchandise?

Visit the National Peace Corps Association's online store! 



We are an affiliate of the National Peace Corps Association (NPCA).

NPCA is the nonprofit alumni network at the center of a vibrant community of over 220,000 people who share the Peace Corps experience. NPCA champions lifelong commitment to Peace Corps ideals by connecting, engaging and promoting its members and affiliate groups as they continue to make a difference in communities in the U.S. and abroad. NPCA is also dedicated to advocating for, contributing to, and supporting the betterment of the Peace Corps. Visit NPCA to learn more